Motto, Mission and Vision Statements
At Greenfields, our vision is to foster happy and kind children who are resilient, independent and hardworking individuals; ready to confidently face a world of challenges. Our children will be motivated, always striving to do their best.
Our motto:
At Greenfields, we want our children to be kind and work hard - our school motto is 'kind hearts, inquisitive minds'
Our mission:
- Children are happy, safe and feel valued at school.
- The school seeks to raise every child’s self-esteem.
- Every child has the opportunity to access a broad curriculum.
- Children are encouraged to be independent thinkers and self-motivated learners.
- We seek to challenge children’s thinking and to foster inquiring minds.
- We stimulate and facilitate creativity and appreciation of human aspirations and achievements.
- We develop physical skills, healthy mental attitudes and understand the importance of pursuing healthy and safe lifestyles.
- We work and play collaboratively in support of each other.