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Useful Links

Greenfields Primary

  • Welcome to the Greenfields Primary School website.
  • We are proud to be part of the Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust.


Welcome to Greenfields Primary School. 

We are very proud of our dynamic school and our achievements. We have high expectations of our children and are totally committed to them reaching these in a happy, safe environment.

The school is situated in the medieval town of Shrewsbury and caters for children from Nursery to year six. Please see our Headteacher's welcome here: Read more.

Greenfields Primary School  is part of Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust, which is made up of five primary schools in Shrewsbury, all dedicated to providing the highest possible academic opportunities, and developing the all round skills of our children. For more information about Severn Bridges, please click on the icon below: